Full Time Photographer with Josh Rossi

Full Time Photographer with Josh Rossi

Latest Episodes

211: Andreas Scheiblecker: Shooting what you want to shoot
October 21, 2014

Andreas Scheiblecker is a photographer who is always shooting personal work that he wants to shoot in the future. He tries to think about what he wishes he was hired for instead of what he is currently hired for. Learn how this can help you in your career

210: Tommy Martin: When personal clashes with business
October 20, 2014

Tommy Martin is one of many photographers who have had to overcome personal struggles that effected his business. Learn about his struggles and how to overcome your own in this episode of full time photographer.

209: Vito Palmisano: Keeping up with trends
October 17, 2014

Vito Palmisano is a photographer who is always looking for the new thing, right now he has purchased a drone camera that he thinks is amazing. He loves always trying to find new things that will help his photography. Learn more about the new trends of pho

208: Wade Griffith: Breaking down walls
October 16, 2014

Wade Griffith believes that fear holds you back especially in photography. He knows many people who are too afraid to become full time photographers who could if they stopped being afraid and just did it whole heartedly. Learn how to get over your fear of

207: Trevor Clark: Being a part of your work
October 15, 2014

Trevor Clark is not only an adventure photographer but a super adventurous guy who always is seeking to be doing fun things that he wants to do. In between jobs he and his wife make their own work by going and doing adventurous things. Learn how he uses h

206: Jane Shauck: Your studio is your billboard
October 14, 2014

Jane Shauck loves photography so much she couldn't just choose one field! She does 3 types of photography: commercial, weddings and portrait. She feels that the challenge of getting better and better at all 3 of these helps to influence the different styl

205: Todd Winters: Keeping clients
October 13, 2014

Todd Winters is a photographer who does portrait and landscape photography. He started out as an assistant and soon couldn't handle not having control over the photos. He started his business and now has many clients and is very good at keeping clients be

204: Tony Roslund: Photography in the blood
October 10, 2014

Photography is in Tony Roslund's blood, he is a 3rd generation photographer with his father and grandfather owning a family studio. He does a lot of editorial and architectural work for magazines and contractors. Learn about Tony's family studio and how h

203: Vance Jacobs: Top secret photography
October 09, 2014

Vance Jacobs is a photographer who has shot for the special forces and has been sworn to secrecy in some areas of his job. Facebook has been a key part of his success in his career, learn how to make your Facebook more effective and more advertising techn

202: Tom Parker: Connecting documentary and editorial photography
October 08, 2014

Tom Parker is a photographer who brings together editorial and documentary photography. He tries to connect the gritty feel of documentary photos to the beautiful look that editorial photos need. Learn about Tom's journey as a photographer and how he has