Full Time Photographer with Josh Rossi

Full Time Photographer with Josh Rossi

Latest Episodes

61: David duChemin: Getting up, getting stronger and learning through pain
March 25, 2014

David duChemin has gone all over the world for humanitarian photography, you never would have guessed that he started as a comedian especially from the inspiring quotes and life experiences that he shares in this episode. Learn how to get back up when you

60: Dan Mcclanahan: Working less making more
March 24, 2014

Dan Mcclanahan is a wedding photographer who after his first year of thinking he was successful realized he was only making $9 an hour. Find out what he did to turn his studio into a very successful business. www.mcclanahanstudio.net

59: Audrey Woulard: Making the best expierience for the client, not the photographer
March 21, 2014

Audrey Woulard is an expert children's photographer who knows how to make a session about the client and not about herself. She says that the best way to keep clients is to keep the parents calm and happy. Learn more tips like this by listening to today's

58: Beth Jansen: Perception marketing
March 20, 2014

Beth Jansen understands that the way people see you is one of the biggest deciding factors in if they will buy from you or not, she has been shooting all kinds of photos for many years and loves doing senior portraits. Learn more about how to make your im

57: Neil Van Niekerk: A different view on photography and business
March 19, 2014

Neil is a man who likes to do photography and business in his own way. He has his own view on what to do to become a full time photographer, from his take on equipment, to his view on social media. This interview will be one that will change the way you t

56: Ryan Thomas Young: Combining natural talent and skill
March 18, 2014

Ryan Thomas Young is a photographer who recognizes that everyone must not rely on on only talent but also gain skill in order to be successful. Learn how to make the talent that you alrady have into a business.

55: Sandy Puc: Raising the pricing roof
March 17, 2014

Sandy Puc has been in the portrait business for over 25 years, she started her own business when she was 19 and it has just grown from there. Her 8x10 photos started out at what she perceived as a normal price of $9.99 and like most people, was scared tha

53: Kirk Voclain: The best marketing tips you will ever hear
March 13, 2014

Kirk Voclain is a man who knows how to market, he wanted to be a photographer from a young age and soon realized how much of a marketing business the photography industry is. His tips help all types of photography marketing so no matter what you do, Ki

52: Mark Bryant: College sports, changing your perspective
March 12, 2014

Mark Bryant has a unique take on the sports photography industry which draws in many young stars looking for new attention, learn how to make normal people look like professionals and to look at other types of photography from a new perspective.

51: Sarah Petty: Marketing magic, from $300 to $3500 per job!
March 11, 2014

Sarah Petty has been in the marketing and advertisement for a long time and has worked with coke, a huge brand, with their marketing department. She has taken the skills that she has learned throughout her marketing career and compiled them into a guarant