Full Spectrum Cycling

Cyclist and Meat Guy Joe Nadolski – Bye, Bye Promises, Light and Motion – Full Spectrum Cycling #288
#288 - Joe Nadolski - Cyclist and Meat Guy/Butcher/Sausage Maker joins Sven and Tony in the studio.
The Milwaukee Minute (or 5)
Promises Closed! What a drag. -https://milwaukeerecord.com/food-drink/promises-is-closed/
Milwaukee is part of a national trend. Unfortunately, it isn’t a good one - https://www.wpr.org/news/milwaukee-craft-breweries-closed-2024-national-trend
Talkin’ Schmack
After 35 years in business Light and Motion is shutting down - https://lightandmotion.com
Wolf Tooth Bike Tire Pressure Calculator - https://www.wolftoothcomponents.com/pages/tire-pressure-calculator
The Pro’s Closet is back - I found one fat-bike on the site - https://www.theproscloset.com/products/8139668979904-salsa-cycles-beargrease-carbon-slx-fat-bike-2021-x-large
Show Guest - Joe Nadolski
Stefano's Slo Foods Market - https://www.slofoodmarket.com/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/slofoodmarket/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/slofoodmarket/
Show Beer - Amorphic DDH Fluffy Logic Krush - The closest thing we have to a flagship, this DDH Hazy IPA variant utilizes Mosaic and KRUSH (HBC-586) hops for a berry and tropical vibe.
Stuff for sale on Facebook Marketplace
Call-in to 717-727-2453 and leave us a message about how cycling is making your life better!
https://www.instagram.com/shellbellsmusic/ at Amorphic Beer
Shit Worth Doing
January 18th - Madison, WI - Brazen Dropouts Bike Swap - https://www.brazendropouts.org/bike-swap
January 25th - Des Moines, IA - Iowa Bike Expo - https://www.iowabikeexpo.com/
February 1st - Pedal for UX: A 6-Hour Fat Bike Ride for Community Health - Uxbridge, ON, Canada - Durham Regional Forest - https://uhf.akaraisin.com/ui/pedal4ux
February 15, 2025 – Polar Roll Mass Start - https://906adventureteam.com/mountain-bike-events/polar-roll/
March 8th, 2025 – Fat Bike Birkie – Cable, WI - https://www.birkie.com/bike/events/fat-bike-birkie/
March 8th - 9th - Philly Bike Expo - https://phillybikeexpo.com/
Omnium Electric Mini Max - Medium - Blurple
Large Schlick Cycles APe for aggressive fatbiking - Purple. Possibly the last APe! Definitely the last Teesdale-built APe!
Large Schlick Cycles 29+ Custom Build - Black
Medium Schlick Cycles 29+ Custom Build - Orange
Large Schlick Cycles Tatanka, Orange.
Schlick Fatbikes
A bunch of Schlick Growler (Zen Bicycle Fabrications AR 45) frames for custom builds.
29+ Schlick Cycles frames for custom builds
Contact info@everydaycycles.com
Call-in to 717-727-2453 and leave us a message about how cycling is making your life better!
Sometimes you bring your own entertainment! Rock 'em - Sock 'em at Amorphic
=============================Equipment we use during the production of Full Spectrum Cycling:=============================
Mevo Core - https://amzn.to/3VpGzmJ - (Amazon)
Mevo Start - https://amzn.to/3ZG2B7y (Amazon)
Panasonic 25mm 1.7 lens - https://amzn.to/3OH8Ph0 (Amazon)
Olympus 12mm-42mm lens - https://amzn.to/4iiEyCO (Amazon)
Rode Podcaster Pro II - https://amzn.to/3xKbRfI (Amazon)
Earthworks Ethos Microphone - https://amzn.to/4eR6kEC (Amazon)
MXL BCD-1 Dynamic Microphone - https://amzn.to/3Yigjx9 (Amazon)
Rode Wireless Go II - https://amzn.to/3Su114D (Amazon)
Audio Technica BPHS1 Headset Mics - https://amzn.to/4cXebi2 (Amazon)
Blue Compass Boom Arm - https://amzn.to/4cClJr1 (Amazon)
Ulanzi Crab Tripod - https://amzn.to/3WIxWVk (Amazon)
Neewer Camera Desk Mount with Overhead Camera Mounting Arm and 1/4" Ball Head, 17" - 41" Adjustable Tabletop Light Stand with C Clamp - https://amzn.to/3Wuo5Bc (Amazon)
=============================Disclosure: Some of the links on this page may be affiliate links. Clicking these and making a purchase will directly support Full Spectrum Cycling.