Full Spectrum Cycling

Full Spectrum Cycling #287 – Russ Maki – White or Green? – Cars, Bikes and Beer!
#287 - We are back! Albeit sans video this week as technical difficulties prevented that from happening. Russ Maki joins us in the PodcastMKE Studio where we talk cars, music, bikes and beer.
The Milwaukee Minute (or 5)
Robits show at Bremen Cafe -
Amorphic Birthday Party -
More Bike Infrastructure in Milwaukee - https://urbanmilwaukee.com/2024/12/05/trail-extension-will-link-downtown-with-planned-20th-street-trail
Finished Adrian’s GT Zaskar refit.
Talkin’ Schmack
Damn! Jimmy Carter.
JK Xmas Present? - One step closer - Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg Announces Surprise Abdication in Christmas Speech
Rocky Mountain in bankruptcy protection
Green or White paint for Bike Lanes? - https://urbanmilwaukee.com/2024/12/21/mke-county-white-paint-or-green-paint/
More Bike Infrastructure in Milwaukee - https://urbanmilwaukee.com/2024/12/05/trail-extension-will-link-downtown-with-planned-20th-street-trail
The Glide Ice Skating Ribbon - https://www.boulderatplay.com/the-glide-skating-ribbon/
You have got it be shooting moi. https://www.bicycleretailer.com/new-products/2023/07/11/borealis-launches-electric-fat-bike-model
Smaller trackers coming - https://9to5google.com/2025/01/07/pebblebee-item-tracker-embedded-find-my-device/
Decorah Santa Rampage
'bents at the Polar Plunge New Year's Day.
Show Guest - Russ Maki Xionia ya know
Show Beer - Bell’s Hazy Hearted IPA - Tropical and Fruity, they say!
Hazys come and hazys go, but none have this much heart. With tropical and fruity aromas, this hazy IPA finishes smooth. Hazy Hearted IPA. Finally.
Category: Hearted IPA Variety Pack | Hearted Variety Pack | Year Round
Availability: Hearted Variety Pack, 6-pk cans
Beer Style: Hazy IPA
Alcohol By Volume: 7.5%
Ingredients: Water, Malt, Hops, Wheat, Oats
We know you’re all about savoring the finest brews, and we’re here to ensure every sip is spot-on. Always peek at the Best By Date on the package to keep your beer tasting its absolute best.
Why? Because fresher beer means bolder flavors, crisper notes, and the kind of refreshment that makes you say, “Ahhh!” So, before you crack open that next can or bottle, give it a quick glance. Your taste buds will thank you!
The marooned boat on Milwaukee's Lakefront. Now we've posted a picture too!
Stuff for sale on Facebook Marketplace
Call-in to 717-727-2453 and leave us a message about how cycling is making your life better!
Shit Worth Doing
January 18th - Madison, WI - Brazen Dropouts Bike Swap - https://www.brazendropouts.org/bike-swap
January 25th - Des Moines, IA - Iowa Bike Expo - https://www.iowabikeexpo.com/
February 1st - Pedal for UX: A 6-Hour Fat Bike Ride for Community Health - Uxbridge, ON, Canada - Durham Regional Forest - https://uhf.akaraisin.com/ui/pedal4ux
February 15, 2025 – Polar Roll Mass Start - https://906adventureteam.com/mountain-bike-events/polar-roll/
March 8th, 2025 – Fat Bike Birkie – Cable, WI - https://www.birkie.com/bike/events/fat-bike-birkie/
March 8th - 9th - Philly Bike Expo - https://phillybikeexpo.com/
Adrian's refreshed GT Zaskar. One of my all-time favorites too!
Omnium Electric Mini Max - Medium - Blurple
Large Schlick Cycles APe for aggressive fatbiking - Purple. Possibly the last APe! Definitely the last Teesdale-built APe!
Large Schlick Cycles 29+ Custom Build - Black
Medium Schlick Cycles 29+ Custom Build - Orange
Large Schlick Cycles Tatanka, Orange.
Schlick Fatbikes
A bunch of Schlick Growler (Zen Bicycle Fabrications AR 45) frames for custom builds.
29+ Schlick Cycles frames for custom builds
Contact info@everydaycycles.com
Call-in to 717-727-2453 and leave us a message about how cycling is making your life better!