#FSCK 'Em All!

#FSCK 'Em All!

The First Rule of Fsck: Confirmed! (Episode 33)

October 23, 2017

This week we get scientific confirmation of the First Rule of Fsck, see the Third Rule of Fsck in action as police across the country sexually assault kids, and in our #Law140 segment we look at the constitutional rights students have when they’re searched for drugs at school.
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Show Notes:

* A timeline of the Trump administration’s Niger f*ckery (CNN)
* The White House says it’s “highly inappropriate” to question generals (Vox)
* Alt-Reich trolls smear widow with fake Facebook post (Twitter)
* “Acting white” for white people (National Review Online)
* New study confirms the First Rule of Fsck (New York Times)
* New police dashcams will identify you via facial recognition (CNN)
* Is the Supreme Court allergic to math? (FiveThirtyEight)
* Supreme Court opinions also have factual errors (ProPublica)
* Sessions DOJ warned about “Black Identity Extremists” right before Nazis killed people in Charlottesville (Foreign Policy)
* Gen. John Kelly ordered ICE to portray immigrants as criminals (The Intercept)
* DAs Associations lead efforts to block criminal justice reform (The Nation)
* Military investigators turn out to be sexual predators (Washington Post)
* US Marshal traded parking space for office sex (Washington Examiner)
* ALABAMA: Homewood PD refuses to return wrongly seized computers from repair shop (AL.com)
* ALABAMA: Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore says kneeling during anthem is against the law (it’s not) (AL.com)
* ARIZONA: Judge refuses to erase Arpaio conviction (DocumentCloud)
* COLORADO: Denver officer gets 2 weeks vacation for hiring a prostitute (Denver Post)