Frugal Debt Free Life

Frugal Debt Free Life

Latest Episodes

Episode 11: Scary student loan stats and how to pay them off
October 31, 2019

Student loans are a scary thing- or they can be. And more and more people are relying on them. Today I am sharing some scary stats and also how to not be a scary statistic.

Episode 10: Money mistakes, regrets and guilt
July 25, 2019

And how to deal with shame

Episode 9: When your emergency fund is gone!
July 18, 2019

It's going to be okay

Episode 8: How to build your emergency fund FAST
July 11, 2019

The ticket to not being broke

Episode 7: The art of not caring
June 27, 2019

How to not give a crap what others have or think

Episode 6: How to spot spending triggers and avoid them
June 20, 2019

Don't spend money during big life changes

Episode 5: How to budget when you have NO clue what you're doing
June 13, 2019

Budgets can be tricky. It's cool. I got you.

Episode 4: My biggest marriage and money regret
June 05, 2019

How not talking about money almost destroyed my marriage

Episode 3: Don't quit on yourself
May 30, 2019

When you are so tired of the grind

Episode 2: Hitting rock bottom and getting back up
May 22, 2019

What happens when you fall so far you don't think you can go lower