From the Head of the Bed

From the Head of the Bed

#70 – Anesthesia Guidebook

August 24, 2020

This is the final episode of From the Head of the Bed. But wait! There’s more! We’re transitioning to an all new & improved platform & podcast: Anesthesia Guidebook!

Anesthesia Guidebook is the go-to guide for anesthesia providers who want to master their craft. If you’re looking to level up, dig deep and go further, Anesthesia Guidebook is for you.

Since its very beginning in 2013, From the Head of the Bed has grown into one of the most popular, listened-to podcasts on anesthesia. Anesthesia Guidebook will be even better because it puts the listener in the center of the show, as the hero of the story.

Every anesthesia provider is on a journey. Some continue to grow towards greater and greater mastery & expertise. Others – and you know who I’m talking about – stagnate and keep practicing the same way they learned anesthesia in residency with very little variation. As world renowned psychologist and best-selling author on human performance and expertise, Anders Erikson, has said:

“Most professionals reach a stable, average level of performance within a relatively short time frame and maintain this mediocre status for the rest of their careers.” (Erickson, 2004)

Erickson’s words throw down the gauntlet for anesthesia providers. And the stakes couldn’t be higher. The most vulnerable times in our patients lives often begin when we say “hello.” We have an esteemed responsibility to meet the demand for clinical expertise & assure high functioning systems of care that our patients expect, deserve and entrust their lives to.

Anesthesia Guidebook will bring you an even better podcast & platform with compelling stories, e-books and other resources built around pathophysiology, pharmacology, airway management, human performance and team dynamics, all tailored to the high stakes environment you work in.

Don’t miss out! SUBSCRIBE to Anesthesia Guidebook today and continue the journey with us towards mastering your craft!


Ericsson, K. A. (2004). Deliberate practice and the acquisition and maintenance of expert performance in medicine and related domains. Academic medicine, 79(10), S70-S81.