From the Head of the Bed

#68 – Workplace incivility with Joshua Lea, DNP, MBA, CRNA & Kelly Gallant, PhD, MSN, CRNA
Josh Lea, DNP, MBA, CRNA and Kelly Gallant, PhD, MSN, CRNA join me to discuss workplace incivility in anesthesia training. We discuss the role of precepting SRNAs and anesthesia residents, root causes and implications of incivility and processes for improving healthy work environments.
Josh Lea, DNP, MBA, CRNA is a professor of anesthesia at Northeastern University’s Nurse Anesthesia Program and staff CRNA at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. He serves on the board of the Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation and focuses on burnout & creating healthy work environments as his area of research and publication. He has spoken extensively on the topics both nationally and internationally through his work with the Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation and as a member of the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA) Health and Wellness Committee.
Kelly Gallant, PhD, SRNA recently completed her anesthesia training at Northeastern University in Boston. She received her Bachelor’s degree from Northeastern in 2010 and spent 8 years working in the surgical intensive care unit as a Registered Nurse while researching pediatric pulmonary hypertension and caregiver reactions as part of her PhD, which she completed at Northeastern in 2017. Kelly then returned to school to study anesthesia completing her Master of Science at Northeastern in May 2020. Kelly was the fiscal year 2019 SRNA Representative to the AANA Health & Wellness Committee. and recently contributed to a podcast here on the show about SRNA Wellness.
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Elmblad, R., Kodjebacheva, G., & Lebeck, L. (2014). Workplace Incivility Affecting CRNAs: A Study of Prevalence, Severity, and Consequences With Proposed Interventions. AANA Journal, 82(6), 437–445.
Katz, D., Blasius, K., Isaak, R., Lipps, J., Kushelev, M., Goldberg, A., Fastman, J., Marsh, B., & DeMaria, S. (2019). Exposure to incivility hinders clinical performance in a simulated operative crisis. BMJ Quality & Safety, 28(9), 750–757.
Neft, M., Hartgkidek, A., & Lea, J. (2017). Wellness milestone: The road to wellness: Paving the way toward a healthy work environment. AANA NewsBulletin.
Mahoney, C. B., Lea, J., Schumann, P., & Jillson, I. (2020). Turnover, burnout, and job satisfaction of certified registered nurse anesthetists in the United States: Role of job characteristics and personality. AANA Journal, 88(1), 39-48.
Mahoney, C. B., Lea, J., Jillson, I., & Meeusen, V. (2014). Turnover of nurse anesthetists: The similarities and differences between countries. BioMed Central Ltd. 14(2).
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