From the Head of the Bed

From the Head of the Bed

#54 – Kate Balzano-Cowan, MSN, CRNA on paying off student loan debt

October 06, 2019

Kate currently practices anesthesia as a CRNA in the Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine at Maine Medical Center.  Prior to nursing, Kate was an organic chemist with research and management experience in both industrial as well as pharmaceutical research labs.  Kate has earned a Masters of Science in Nurse Anesthesia from the University of New England, a Bachelors of Science in Nursing from the University of Massachusetts, and an American Chemical Society certified Bachelors of Science in Chemistry with a minor in Biology from Northeastern University.

In this podcast, we talk about Kate choosing to go back to school for anesthesia as a mother of two small kids and about Kate’s remarkable effort to pay off $140,000 of student loan debt in just over a year. Check out the links below to think more about student loan debt.

Death, Sex & Money podcast series on student loan debt.

Take the Quiz… see where you line up on WNYC’s Death, Sex & Money student loan project quiz.

Beyond the Mask with Jermey Stanley: Episode 23 – The Wealthy CRNA. Get tips on financial management specific to CRNAs in the above podcast and through Jeremy’s company: CRNA Financial Planning. Cycle back to Episode 18 of this show to hear Jeremy talk through freelancing options for CRNAs.