From the Fray

From the Fray

Death–What’s the Point?

August 12, 2018

Regardless of how healthy we are, how much bottled water we drink, and how many hours we spend doing cardio, one thing is still certain: we’re going to die one day.  The death rate has always been one-per-person.
From God’s perspective, this means death is not an accident.  It’s an appointment.
Still, for many, it’s an unnerving appointment.  When our loved ones die, survivors find it to be a painful, sad appointment.  But in spite of the regularity of death, we never quite get to a point where we’re “ok” with it—especially when it means losing someone we hold dear.
Often, death—and all of its accompanying sorrow—causes us to ask: What’s the point?
Why are we allowed to live and love if we’re just going to die anyway?
That’s what Solomon addresses this week.  His conclusion: based on your view of God, death either renders everything utterly meaningless or beautifully meaningful.
(This message is based on Ecclesiastes 9.1-18)