From the Fray

From the Fray

What do I do When I Don’t Know What to Do?

April 16, 2018

Sometimes, we just get stuck.  Even after praying, reading your Bible, consulting some fortune cookies, and phoning a friend, there are still times when we just don't know whether to zig or zag.
Do I stay or go?  Do I take the job, or do I turn it down?  Accept the proposal?  Start having babies?  Move my family to a new town?  One hamburger or two?
Often, the choice isn't as easy as right vs wrong.  Life is more complicated than that.  What do you do when both options seem right?  Or if you're forced to choose from a bunch of bad scenarios?  What do you do when you don't know what to do?
This is what the wise old Solomon turns to next.  He starts painting with a wide brush, offering a rapid-fire collection of general insights broad enough to fit any number of situations.  We receive guidance on building a legacy, seeking good feedback, enduring frustration, and cooperating with the inevitable.
Regardless of where you find yourself stuck, Solomon's guidance here is at least enough to keep you moving in the right direction.
(This message is based on Ecclesiastes 7.1-15)