Rise From The Ashes Podcast - Conversations about matters of the family, because — Family Law Matter

Rise From The Ashes Podcast - Conversations about matters of the family, because — Family Law Matter

Latest Episodes

22 Phases of Divorce
November 20, 2018

The Four Basic Stages of the Divorce Process – Start to Finish

21 To Divorcing Parents
May 24, 2018

Advice for Parents Involved in or Having Been Divorced

21 To Divorcing Parents
May 16, 2018

When a marriage fails it can feel like losing a loved one. The emotional toll of splitting from your support system and all the stability the two of you have created is huge and often makes it hard to think clearly.

20 Children of Divorce
May 04, 2018

During a divorce the focus is most often on the couple that is splitting up or any small children they may have. Older or adult children can be overlooked and often become the confidants and support systems for their divorcing parents.

20 Children of Divorce
May 04, 2018

Advice for Children or Adult Children of Divorcing or Divorced Parents.

19 Why Hire an Attorney for Your Divorce?
January 18, 2018

It's fairly common nowadays for folks to choose to represent themselves during their divorce, at least initially, often in an attempt to save money or because they feel they can handle their ex better on their own.

18 Things to ask When Hiring an Attorney
January 01, 2018

In the modern era, there is an attorney around every office corner and good marketing can go a long way. We shop for services the same way we shop for everything else, but a nice website (or a lack of one) isn’t necessarily the gauge of whether an atto...

18 Things to ask When Hiring an Attorney
January 01, 2018

Important questions for making a better decision.

17 What’s an ICMC?
November 13, 2017

When a petition for divorce gets filed with the Court, that begins the official legal process. The first step in the Court's process is for both parties and their attorneys to meet with the Court and state the basic facts of the marriage and soon-to-be...