From Fat 2 That: Motivating People on their Weight loss and Fitness Journey

From Fat 2 That: Motivating People on their Weight loss and Fitness Journey

Latest Episodes

FF2T Podcast 12: Gina lost 90lbs using Jenny Craig and was Featured in their Commercials
March 26, 2016

Gina lost over 90lbs on Jenny Craig . A dear friend inspired her to jumpstart her weightloss journey by telling that makeovers and new clothes would not solve her unhappiness she needed to focus on her health. So, that is exactly what Gina did,

FF2T Podcast 11: Train Your Brain To Learn Healthy Habits for Long Term Weight Loss
March 18, 2016

Healthy long term weight loss is important. You don’t want to work hard to lose weight then rapidly gain it back. Unfortunately some of the things that dieting does not teach you is how to maintain your weight loss.

FF2T Podcast 10: Brad says the Gym is Intimidating When You Are Overweight
March 13, 2016

Brad has lost 100lbs through clean eating and a strict workout routine. However he talks about how getting started was not easy and how the gym was very intimidating for a big overweight guy. Brads biggest piece of advice is to not let fear hold you ba...

FF2T Podcast 09: Cristina Transforms from a Big Girl to a Bikini Babe
March 07, 2016

Cristina talks to us about how she lost nearly 100lbs and transformed herself from a big girl to a bikini babe . Cristina has struggled with many ups and downs when it comes to battling with weight. She was thin most of her life and speaks out about he...

FF2T Podcast 08: Frances Tells Us About Problems With MisoLipo Therapy
March 02, 2016

Frances is a young woman who struggled with weight gain in college. When she realized how over weight she was she was ready to do any thing but work for it, she started with MisoLipo injections because she wanted a quick fix.

FF2T Podcast 07: Laurie Plans To Try 12 Different Diets
February 26, 2016

This is my first “Support Podcast” usually I interview people who have already lost a lot of weight, but Laurie inspired me to also do a monthly podcast to help someone who needs that extra momentum to get started.

FF2T Podcast 06: Instagram Weight-Loss Idol Keith the Founder of @WLSTORIES
February 18, 2016

This story is really amazing Keith is a huge inspirational leader on Instagram. He is a guy who became motivated to lose weight because he wanted to win back his ex girlfriend. Now that he has dropped 173lbs and looks amazing,

FF2T 05: FitGirl Shawna Survived a Brain Tumor Then Recovered and Lost 103lbs.
February 14, 2016

Shawna is a mother who has a goal to get fit before she hits her 40th birthday. She talks to us on a variety of topics today such as how she battled a brain tumor, how she joined up with the FitGirls community, Virtual 5ks,

FF2T Podcast 04: Courtney lost over 35lbs on Weight Watchers and does Food Photo Journaling
February 07, 2016

In this episode you get to hear from Courtney, a young mother of two who diligently follows the Weight Watchers plan and uses Instagram as her food photo journaling tool. Courtney shares how as a stay at home mom it is hard to fit-fitness into her ...

FF2T Podcast 03 – Laura Speaks Out about her Failed Weight Loss Surgery
February 03, 2016

This is an episode you don't want to miss. Laura speaks out about her journey of losing 100+ pounds and the complications she face with Lapband Surgery. Laura opens up about her complications with weight loss surgery She is so determined that she conti...