from Booze to Buddha

from Booze to Buddha

119 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | Success Comes From Small Steps

March 13, 2017

Today marks a small anniversary of successful personal development for me. Two years ago I was in a deep depressive state but I was able to recognize I had a problem and then I looked to getting help outside of myself to restore my sanity. I kept faith that things would be better and I did the work necessary to change and grow. In other words I used what I have learned from the 12 steps of AA. If you reread this you'll see that my first step was admitting I had a problem; step 1 acceptance and humility. Then I believed that a power greater than myself could restore my sanity. I was willing to turn my will and life over to the care of applying good orderly direction (G.O.D.). And that gave me the strength do the actual work which has lead me to a new found happiness in my life.