Friends of the Show

Friends of the Show

FOTS 58 @curlycomedy Nailed It!

September 08, 2019

This week’s friend is a very funny actress, comedian and writer seen on Comedy Central, NBC, TBS, who lives in the BIG APPLE NEW YORK CITY, she’s a working mom and so nice online, follow her on twitter and Instagram at @curlycomedy (and MORE!) it’s Abbi Crutchfield!

Questions from Twitter

Hello Abbi! Is it true that you will be giving Dave Cactus (me) his one big break into show business?— Dave Cactus (@dave_cactus) June 8, 2019

Reporterbeest(fumbling with mic): 1. Abbi is it true that u hate pineapples?2. If you had to live on a deserted island until u died, what three (3) timelines would you print off now to have there and nothing else3. Your favourite animal?— wylde de beest (@flashember) June 8, 2019

what's the greatest website on the internet other than twitter— llama (@LlamaInaTux) June 9, 2019

Abbi, um wow okay I'm nervous. What do you think about giving me an hi-5 sometime? It's been awhile and you seem like you would be able to really connect with me on a spiritual "hi-5" level. Also how are you so great?— brandAn is good (@LeBearGirdle) June 9, 2019

Thanks Abbi! Check her out at:

Tweets by curlycomedy
