Friends of the Show

Friends of the Show

FOTS 45 @RockyMomax throwin’ knives

April 08, 2018

Friends of the Show Episode 45 with @RockyMomax
“I don’t know what’s gonna happen, man, but I wanna have My kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames”
-Jim Morrison
Rob is a fun and wild twitter jokester who enjoys saving lives in his non-tweeting time. He is a florida surfin’ party dude and has some let’s say, interesting stories, which we’ll get into, and he is also very nice. You can check out his fun jokes on twitter @RockyMomax and I am very happy to have him on the show this week welcome Rob!
Story: throwing knives at a wall / getting arrested
Talkin’ Twitter
Rob’s Tweets:

PHARAOH: we shall build religious monuments. they will baffle future science.
SUBJECT: should we leave them a note to explain how we did it?
PHARAOH: yes, take this down
PHARAOH: cat, dog, snake, bird, cat, man with the head of a cat, dog, cat, bird
— rob elliott (@rockymomax) January 11, 2018

My pick:

[invited to a wedding]"ok 6 months to lose 30lbs"(2 months later)"4 months to lose 35lbs"(4 months later)"I have 8 hours to lose 40lbs"
— rob elliott (@rockymomax) July 5, 2017

Tweets from Others:

"Do you think I reference dinosaurs too much when I write?" I asked.
She was silent, like the p in pterodactyl, but it said everything.
— Nathan Usher (@thenatewolf) January 9, 2016

[my funeral after 20 years as a lifeguard]PRIEST: he died doing what he loved
[cut to me falling out of a lifeguard tower]
— Big Monkey Rod (@MockyRomax) February 24, 2017

Questions from Twitter:

Hi Rob, longtime critic here. Question for you – have you ever had sex? Thanks!
— Michael (@Home_Halfway) March 23, 2018

I am a terrible swimmer…would you rescue me if I was drowning? Describe this event.Besides that one, what is your most memorable rescue?Is it possible that I was your lifeguard the whole time?
— Todd 'Papi' Carlos (@TheToddWilliams) March 21, 2018

Question from Tom – mention his podcast that you were on – Interested in Music – check it out!

hi long time reader first time commenter
1. can…can you read?2. what part of the bear would you most/least like to eat?3. would you rather: lay on the ground with your mouth open and let a worm slither around in your throat for an hour, or get a temporary face tattoo of me
— the banana situation (@trojansauce) March 22, 2018

Hello Rod, can you please make an argument as to why I should be atop the rankings. Also, is a harp just a super guitar?
— brandAn Current Year (@LeBearGirdle) March 21, 2018

How many sandwiches do I want?How many should I have gotten?
— Ygrene (@Ygrene) March 21, 2018

Uh oh, this calls for an extra anagram
