Friends of the Show

Friends of the Show

FOTS 31 @NamestartswithZ and the Torn conspiracy

November 26, 2017

Friends of the show Episode 31 with Zach @NamestartswithZ
“Don’t worry about the world coming to an end today, it’s already tomorrow in Australia” -Charles Schulz
Zach is a very cool young fun dude who does funny tweets online and is a good guy! I am very happy to have him joining me this week.
Zach’s Story: The Teleporting Russian Sketch Artist
Zach’s Tweet

SCIENTIST: You are my finest creation, and I love you like a son even though you've malfunctioned and now only say-ROBOT: Fight me, dipshit
— Zach (@NamestartswithZ) February 2, 2017


I'm starting to wonder if I really am the ideal size and weight to test the town catapult or if the other townsfolk simply don't like me.
— Zach (@NamestartswithZ) May 6, 2016

Zach’s Picks:

if you order a mcflurry 8 days in a row that's called a mcturbo and they have to let you see the shed where they keep grimace
— lil jon lovitz (@nbadag) March 8, 2016

I periodically look up from my desk with a little smile in case someone is filming sitcom credits
— Me, Sarah Shockey!! (@sarahjoyshockey) October 2, 2015


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