Friends of the Show

Friends of the Show

FOTS 012 @JeffDSilva: Calgary’s Coolest Dad

July 16, 2017

Friends of the Show Podcast Episode 012 with Jeff D’Silva @JeffDSilva
“A good stand-up, you lead the audience. You don’t kowtow to the audience. Sometimes the audience is wrong. I always think the audience is wrong.” – Zach Galifinakis
I have known Jeff online for many years, we started following each other way back in 2012, real OG twitter pal, we met through some mutual comedy acquaintances, and I am so happy to have him on the show this week. Some things about Jeff, he is very funny, has performed stand up comedy and if I am not mistaken, even interned at the show of Conan O Brien crazy cool guy, welcome to JEff!
Jeff’s Story: “How I got my dad bod in 8 steps or less”
Jeff’s Favourite Tweets:

Super bummed out; just read some other guy on Facebook has the best mom