Friendly Fireside Chats

Friendly Fireside Chats

Episode 8: Be A Good eSport

August 23, 2013


Don’t call it a comeback! Adam and McKee erupt from the lazy days of the summer long game recession to talk about The International 2013, which happened just recently. While it’s not a full-blown review, you do get to hear McKee talk about a game he loves so much, as well as Adam’s fascination with the competitive scene and the foreign-ness of competitive gaming in general.

Other topics include:

  • Hotline Miami, Blood Dragon and other 80s-soaked games
  • how the Last of Us isn’t sexist. For real. We promise.
  • a little bit of news, but not too much!
  • Phil Fish, gamer entitlement and gaming journalism

As always, thanks for lending us your ear. The MP3 is below for your listening or downloading pleasure. You can listen and subscribe to us on iTunes as well. Like us on Facebook and be sure to follow us on Twitter. As always, if you’re feeling particularly chatty and want us to listen to you (a nice turn of events!), send us an email! Expect us to be more active from here on out, now that the gaming slump has passed. We’ll be taking a look at Saints Row IV next time, so be sure to tune in!