Fried.Rice Podcast

Fried.Rice Podcast

Latest Episodes

Ep.3 Dumplings Get Up!!
January 14, 2019

Tune in Daily . In this episode I talk a little bit about going and getting it for yourself. Simple Stuff Go Tune In & follow me on ig @misstevents

Ep.2 LoMein Be Like The bread in the market!!
January 14, 2019

EP.2 LoMein Today on Fried.Rice we talk about owing your own brand and being your own boss, isn’t as hard as you think of you just take a little action and STRIVE

Ep1 Soy Sauce ( Lets Talk Health)
January 13, 2019

Good morning Everyone, I hope you all have a blessed day. I got my coffee do you have yours lol. Well anyways tube into my mini talk on health. Ep1. Is the first of many mini segments on Fried.Rice Podcast.