Freudian Scripts

In Session with “The Patient”
Dr. Sam & Dr. Fran shift from the multiverse to a creepy serial killer’s basement this week. Join us as they put Hulu’s show, The Patient on the couch (and review the first half of the season)! What happens when your patient becomes your kidnapper? The doctors attempt to analyze an unusual therapist-patient relationship and treatment plan. Dr. Alan Strauss attempts to curb Sam’s “compulsion” to kill others after being kidnapped and held in Sam’s basement. Sam describes his urges to kill as obsessions and compulsions. They discuss OCD and give their impressions about what they believe may be going on with Sam with a Diagnosis Bingo. Despite the unique therapy circumstances, the doctors also discuss if there are aspects of Dr. Strauss’ and Sam’s therapy sessions that people may see in actual therapy sessions. They also break down aspects of the treatment that Dr. Strauss attempts with Sam. Does Sam actually want help? Could this type of therapy work? Interestingly, Dr. Sam and Dr. Fran also discuss whether Dr. Strauss would have to turn Sam, his patient, into the police for committing murder or for planning to commit a future murder. Finally, they review the family therapy session including Sam and his mother. She knows her son is a murderer and has not turned him in. What could go wrong?
This session is sure to hold your attention captive!
Content warning: child abuse