Freudian Scripts

Freudian Scripts

Welcome Back Second Opinion with “The Bear” & “AP Bio”

May 04, 2023

We’re back… Dr. Sam and Dr. Fran launch their 4th season with a Second Opinion mini-session! Just as someone may seek a second opinion from a doctor, some scenes require a second look from Drs. Sam and Fran.

The doctors surprise each other with new clips while listening and reacting to them for the first time in real time. First, they listen to a clip from The Bear. In the midst of the kitchen chaos, they discuss the tension and communication styles that Carmy experiences in one of his first experiences in a new kitchen.

Shifting to different communication styles, Dr. Sam and Dr. Fran then react to a scene from AP Bio. Jack discovers a woman is dating him as a therapy homework assignment. The doctors discuss the revenge-fueled teacher’s plan to force his date to fail the assignment. And, what does Dr. Fran think about pretend dating someone as therapy homework?   These characters may have difficulties with trust but trust us — you’ll enjoy this session!