Freudian Scripts

Freudian Scripts

In Session with “Sharp Objects”

March 31, 2021

Travel with Dr. Sam and Dr. Fran to Wind Gap with Camille Preaker as they investigate HBO's Sharp Objects.
Who is murdering children in Wind Gap? What is going on with Camille, Amma, and Adora? The doctors solve those questions quicker than Detective Richard and the police chief solve the town's crimes. Dr. Sam and Dr. Fran review complex topics seen in the show including Camille's history of abuse, alcohol use, and non-suicidal self-injury. Would we expect someone to engage in self-harm the unique way Camille does? Given Camille's difficult history and current challenges, what could treatment for her ideally look like?
Learn more about an uncommon disorder which is commonly portrayed in entertainment. Dr. Sam and Dr. Fran dive into Adora poisoning her children and review a new diagnosis—factitious disorder imposed on another (previously called Munchausen syndrome by proxy). That also brings us to a new Diagnosis Graveyard. 
We will tell mama if you don't listen to this week's session!
Content Warning: episode discusses suicide, non-suicidal self-injury/self-harm, and child abuse