
7 steps to navigating the human condition!
Meet Cartoon Me: Billy Delaney
The business of navigating the human condition.
Episode #005
You either understand how to or you do not.
There is no try, no college educated effort.
It is always you do or you do not understand.
What am I talking about?
The approach
Educating or Selling.
Everything today is born on the field of selling.
Push, pull no matter what you name it the consideration is that you persuade or perish.
But can there be another way.
A way that doesn't rely upon these methods.
To see what happens on the internet is an education in and of itself.
There, it is all manufactured.
Nobody need care, you don't have to face the people you sell.
Just do it! right?
This other way is better.
Educate them, instead of pitch them, hit them up, Bamboozle them into buying.
And only educate the ones who meet the criterea that you know about before you start.
Educate them that YOU know all about them and the problems they face.
The want that is yearning to be fixed by someone relevant and Assuring.
Do this and be yourself. Use the compass. Navigate instead of follow.
True North
Wants not needs.
People have things going wrong and right in their daily lives.
To answer them they go looking for help.
The right help is what they want, and or need.
The want often is not even known to them.
They just know that they are without, and want to fix that.
There is north then there is a True North.
Just like in the material world of things.
If you have ever looked at a compass you can see this.
In todays world any north it seems will do.
But, there is the True North that changes how you really navigate everything human.
The human condition
Begging for love earning respect.
People are simple.
They want something.
Actually two things.
They will move life and limb to get these two things.
We all want to be loved.
Love, ah! the expierence of that alone has moved more money than can be counted.
Behind most activity people conduct is the desire to be loved.
Really loved.
Loved for who they are, what they are, where they are!
Navigating this is the work of any and everything we engage in throughout our lives.
We all want to be respected.
Respect, the grail of which the human heart beats for all the long day.
People want to know how this respect can be obtained, earned, kept.
The validation of respect from those you admire, love associate or want to associate with is powerful.
It is esteemed to be almost as important as food.
Nobody can get enough of either.
Nobody that wants love turns it away.
Neither do they flick of respect and its validating glow.
So what's a person to do?
Learn how to use the compass and its related steps of application.
#1. Your Business
We many think we are in the business of selling, promoting or pushing something.
But are we. That is a question worth considering.
I think not!
We are in the life business of navigating the other lives around us.
Knowing how to accomplish this gives us relevance in other lives,
Understanding the wants and how to meet them allows us to assure these other lives.
So, how does this look to other we want to reach.
In their eyes, are you a what or a why?
In the words of leadership expert Simon Sinek: people don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it
You can learn pretty quickly which one you are.
All you need to do is ask.
When you know what is behind being a what or a why, everything changes.
That is, if you ask the right questions.
If you do ask these right questions, and you can face the truth.
You can choose.
If not then you get to be a fake.
You don't get to be yourself.
You have to create something else.
#2. Your Customer