
Latest Episodes
Jack-of-all-trades, master of one!
Fresh-Oil Episode #09 IS THIS A SPECIALIST LOOKING FOR A GENERALIST? OR A GENERALIST LOOKING FOR A SPECIALIST? It will depend upon who is sitting at the computer! That will determine who the people in the background represent.
Why Love is faster than knowledge?
- LOVE IS FASTER THAN KNOWLEDGE Jack Wood said that. I never forgot it. - Jack Wood was many things during his lifetime. One of them was friend to people. He was a friend of mine. He had compassion for the needs of people.
Engaging Jayme Soulati let’s go deeper…
- - - - - - - - - - - - Meet Jayme Soulati... Hi, All! I am Jayme Soulati, and I hail from Chicago's public relations firms. As a Message Mapping Master and Public Relations Marketer,
Are you living through the looking glass instead of living life?
- Today Alice doesn't go down the hole into wonderland, she goes online instead! Then it's bye bye... - -------------------------------------------------- The problem with the looking glass is that it is the looking glass,
7 steps to navigating the human condition!
The Right Road Leads Out at The Right Place: are you on it?
The Unknown Book, it’s place in your future?
THE UNKNOWN BOOK - Episode #004 What is honored in a country will be cultivated there. -Plato. While this is an exercise in demonstrating that the inside of this Book is largely unknown. It's existence, influence, power, literary brilliance,
Engaging Mark Schaefer, let’s go deeper…
Podcast Episode #002 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mark W. Schaefer Mark W. Schaefer is a globally-recognized author, speaker, educator, and business consultant who blogs at {grow} — one of the top...
Not Waving but drowning…
- - - - - - - - - - - Not Waving But Drowning - A poem by Stevie Smith. Not Waving But Drowning - Nobody heard him, the dead man, But still he lay moaning: I was much further out than you thought
PODCAST EPISODE #001 SO... WHAT QUALIFIES ME TO HOLD FORTH? I have been around... - - Living on Three Contents before I was 25. Sailing The Atlantic Ocean and several Seas. Often the first things I saw when coming to land were through a...