Free Your Inner Guru

Free Your Inner Guru

Nafissa Shireen: Believe and See Our Common Humanity

June 10, 2020

Nafissa Shireen is an Income Growth Mentor and Coach, the owner of Believe & See Ranch, and the host of Living Forward TV on YouTube.
I invited Nafissa on to pick her brain about why British Columbia has had a less dramatic experience of the COVID 19 pandemic compared to Ontario, Quebec, and much of the United States. We had a big conversation that touches on every theme that's important to this podcast:  conscious leadership, coaching, spirituality, marketing in the self help industry.  And then there is the pandemic, and a deep dive into how horses help raise consciousness and the transformation Nafissa wants to bring to the equine industry.

Everything is moving so quickly these days, it's relevant to share the context of when our conversation happened.  We recorded on May 7, 2020, back when all anyone had on our minds was the pandemic.

On June 5, Nafissa shared a post on Facebook with her response to George Floyd's murder, and subsequent events. Since its contents are relevant to every part of our conversation, I received her permission to read it after we said "goodbye."  As a bi-racial person of colour, with a Muslim sounding name, I didn't want to squander the opportunity to amplify her voice on racism and anti-racism.

It's my pleasure to introduce you to a big conversation with Nafissa Shireen.

Conversation highlights:

Challenges we each experienced as a woman in leadership in the male dominated corporate environment.
What it was like for Nafissa to be called the "token brown girl" when she never saw herself as an ethnic or  religious minority.
The very different journey we each made from corporate to coach.
Our different takes on why so much of the marketing for coaching focuses on making "6 figures" and "7 figures." Is it really all about money?
The power of meaning and purpose:  Nafissa illustrates how her passion and point of view on horses informs her business goals.  We also get a huge education on how horses are trained and the awareness she wants to bring to the equine industry.
Nafissa explains the transformational power of horses from both a scientific and spiritual perspective.
The distinction between coaching, consulting and mentoring.
Why Nafissa is tired of hearing "in these uncertain times" and "crisis."
Why Dr Bonnie Henry is an exemplary leader and what we can learn from her approach to the pandemic.

Mentioned in this episode:

Nafissa Shireen online

Instagram - @nafissashireen
Living Forward TV on Youtube

Believe and See Ranch

Instagram - @believeandseeranch

Laura Tucker on social

Instagram - @lauraatucker

Free Your Inner Guru on social

Instagram - @freeyourinnerguru

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