The Free Zone w/ Freeman Fly

The Free Zone w/ Freeman Fly

Eden in Florida – Dr Narco Longo

June 01, 2024

Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. A river watering the garden flowed from Eden; from there it was separated into four headwaters.

The gopher wood of Noah's Ark is unique. So far as is known, it grows only on the east bank of the Apalachicola River in a small area near Bristol Florida. The drift and pull of the Gulf Stream was calculated and could take an ark from Florida to Mount Ararat.

Watch Old World Florida

The original area of Eden was much broader, E.E Callaway said, "It consisted of south Georgia and south Alabama, lying east of the Alabama River, and that part of west Florida lying between the Alabama line on the west and the Ochlockonee River on the east." Just as the River in the Bible, the Apalachicola river in Florida, is the only river in the world with four heads to flow through like Eden in the Bible.

Dr. Narco Longo is an epic researcher/YouTube documentary filmmaker. His work consists of the findings in Florida that prove history wrong. He simply breaks down many topics that seem taboo but when later researched, have a lot of merit. His biggest insight is that the Garden of Eden could have potentially been where he lives today in Florida!

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The Free Zone with Freeman Fly - Saturday 8pm EST
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Associate Producer: Steve Mercer
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