Free Zone Frontier

Free Zone Frontier

Simplifying The Complexity Of Capitalism

June 06, 2023

Dan Sullivan and Steven Krein discuss Dan’s latest quarterly book, Capitalism—And Everything Else, and explain what capitalism really means, why many people believe they don’t like it, why it’s misunderstood, and its five growth stages.





Some people incorrectly approach capitalism as a rival to ideologies like communism and fascism.


Capitalism isn’t in competition with anything.


Capitalism involves capitalizing on your own talent and time, your production, your abilities, your profitability, and on living in a world of greater prosperity.


Communism, feudalism, fascism, and Nazism aren’t methodologies, they’re ideologies.


If you multiply the impact of your uniqueness over a span of years, you’ll have done it through the methods of capitalism.


There’s a deep emotional element to success from capitalistic activities such as building a business and entrepreneurship.


Systems that are anti-capitalist in their ideologies invariably use capitalist methods to achieve success.


Wherever capitalist methodology is followed, things improve.


Some people are bothered by capitalist methodology because it demands extraordinary individual accountability.


Philanthropic efforts often fall flat because they don’t operate within a capitalistic framework.





Capitalism—And Everything Else by Dan Sullivan


Thinking About Your Thinking by Dan Sullivan


The Strategic Coach Program


Steven Krein and StartUp Health