Free Zone Frontier

Free Zone Frontier

How Valuable Are Your Core Values?

January 23, 2024

No matter how long a company has been around, it’s vital that everyone is clear on and maintains their core values. Dan Sullivan and Steve Krein explain why this is so important, discuss why all team members need to be aligned, and share some of their own companies’ core values.




In the U.S., core values used to be structured into the environment you lived in.


Reminding team members of the company’s specific purpose can help avoid distraction.


The value reinforcement of a company today is 10 times more important than it was in the 1950s.


You either do or don’t have passion for, have conviction for, and are inspired by a mission.


People who aren’t aligned with a company’s mission wreak havoc during times when things shift.


Company leaders need to represent the values they want their team members to have.


Every entrepreneur is in the continual process of hiring or removing wrong-fit people.


In a period of high flux, you go to the organizing structure that actually works.





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