Free Zone Frontier

Free Zone Frontier

What The Future Holds For Entrepreneurs

December 19, 2023

Strategic Coach® is approaching its 50th anniversary, and Coach co-founder Dan Sullivan is coming up on 50 years of coaching entrepreneurs. In this episode, Steve Krein and Dan share some of the significant changes to entrepreneurism that have happened over the past 50 years and what the future holds.





Steve and Dan discuss what is currently the number one resource on the planet


If you look at cultural heroes in the business world and American life itself, they’re the great entrepreneurs.


The original definition of an entrepreneur is someone who takes resources from a lower level of productivity to a higher level of productivity.


If you don’t have an appreciation for what it means to be an entrepreneur, it can look intimidating and mysterious.


Government, corporate, and large non-profit bureaucracies see unpredictably innovative entrepreneurs as their main enemy.


Big breakthroughs in technology empower entrepreneurs, not large bureaucracies.


When single individuals and small groups create something that goes viral in the marketplace, it upsets everything.


Most of the obstacles to becoming an entrepreneur that existed 50 years ago have been removed.





The Strategic Coach® Signature Program


The Impact Filter tool


Article: The Four Freedoms That Motivate Successful Entrepreneurs


Learn more about Steve Krein and StartUp Health


My Plan For Living To 156  by Dan Sullivan