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Latest Episodes

Episode 36: I had a dream...the IMPOSSIBLE is POSSIBLE!
October 11, 2020

Matthew 20:16... “So the last will be first, and the first will be last.”

Episode 34: How to de-clutter your mind in 4 simple steps
August 10, 2020

Feeling confused? Mentally overwhelmed? Mentally drained? Mentally blocked? Check out these 4 sim...

31: Women EVOLVING- Part 1:Tajuania Dawkins
February 11, 2020

Tune in to Tajuania Dawkins, Author, Entrepreneur, Speaker, Financial Coach, and Purpose Chaser, ...

30:Manifest your future self!
January 14, 2020

Happy 2020 everyone! This is the introduction to a "lesson" series coaching you to alignment with...

29: Remember to BREATHE!
October 19, 2019

Walk, Talk and Sip this TEA! I love you ALL! PEACE + BLESSINGS!