Free and Fearless

Content That Helps vs Content That Sells
Some of you might find it confusing to see the difference between a strategic piece of content that serves, and one that only sells. And I’m here to help you with that today. Tune into the episode to learn about the difference between the content that helps and the content that sells, as well as what to do and what to avoid in terms of content creation.
Show Notes:
- What every piece of content must do first
- The price we pay for content that's not authentic
- How creating the right content feels
- How your audience reacts to aligned content
- What happens once you publish the content that helps
- What makes you create the wrong content
- The thoughts you have that mean you're creating only content that sells
- What your body and feelings are telling you about your content
- An easy way to get back to creating valuable content
Epic Biz Year:
Fearless Content: