Free and Fearless

Free and Fearless

What’s a Signature Product and Why You Need One

October 10, 2021

Your signature offer is usually a course or any type of program you’ve created that basically becomes your main income stream and the product you are associated with the most online. It can change lives and can help you become an authority in your niche. 

So let’s define that better and see why your next business goal might be to create a signature product, or if you already have one, how to improve it so you can serve your students better.

Tune into the episode below:

I also made a freebie for you on how to create a course that practically sells itself.

Show Notes:

* How is a signature program different from the other products you’re selling* Generic content vs transformational content* What’s different about my business and courses now* 3 entrepreneurs who make millions with 1 signature product* How your main offer can bring in most of your revenue* Little known opportunities you only get as a course creator* How having a signature program makes your business simpler * What’s a client list and what makes it your biggest asset* Types of high-ticket offers that can help you reach your wildest income dreams


* Blog to Biz System* Bold Business School Waitlist* James Wedmore* Kathrin Zenkina* Amy Porterfield * Fearless Content


First, what exactly is a signature offer and how is it different from the other products you’re selling?

Well, it has a few distinctive elements.

Inside your signature product, you provide more value than anywhere else. I mean, it can’t compare to your free content, or a 5-page guide you have, webinar or even an eBook. It must be next level.

It’s where you provide the biggest transformation to your audience, and of course it’s priced higher than your other products.

It’s a complete program. You might have a start course that helps beginners in your niche take the first few steps, get clarity or achieve one specific result. 

You can also have a slightly more in-depth program that covers one topic in detail and solves the problems people have related to it. But still, after competing that course, the students will have to do more research and learning, will need more support, or might invest in another program if they want to reach the next level.

A signature program, however, has all they need. It doesn’t leave them wondering what to do next. They get almost every question answered and support on different levels. They trust your guidance and you give them all the information necessary to go from A, which is their current situation, to B, the desired result.

Such a course involves a framework – the structured step-by-step process you teach that helps people get real results, from start to finish. It’s a roadmap,