Free and Fearless

Free and Fearless

How to Embrace Your Weirdness and Turn It Into Your Superpower in Business

June 21, 2021

Hey and welcome to the new episode of the Free and Fearless podcast. This one is on such a fun topic, that – as it happens often – applies to much more than business. That’s being weird, embracing it, and actually using it as your superpower in business.

Tune in below:

Show Notes:

* [7:49] What’s wrong with trying to fit in and why it never works for some people* [11:00] The first steps to embracing your weirdness* [12:28] How the Ego makes us defend ourselves, and what to do to take our power back* [15:40] The importance of sharing your real story in a vulnerable yet confident way


* Blog to Biz System* Ep. 9: Achieving Radical Authenticity in Your Business


I can say that any person I’ve learned from over the years, anyone I’ve been interested in – be it for a friendship and just because they are somehow magnetic and I want to be around their energy, or because they have this really great business or have created something that I admire – well, they were all definitely weird.

By that, I mean they had different interests than average people. They created their own path and because of that, many judged them.

Such people are often misunderstood, they are deep, they do things differently and that gets attention in society and can often be disapproved. That’s because you’re a whole different category that goes together with different needs, expectations, interests, and mindset. 

Such people rarely have a lot to talk about with anyone average. They might take risks in life, start businesses, be into personal development and spirituality, and feel like they don’t fit in for most of their life.

Until one day, one of the most important realizations takes place – they understand that they will never fit in, and most importantly, they don’t want to and they don’t need to.

To fit in means to live a life that’s expected by others, not one that truly satisfies you.

The moment you believe that, you then start focusing on what’s unique about you. You devote even more time to the unusual topics that engage your mind, the hobbies that make you lose track of time, the people who understand you, no matter where they are in the world or how few of them you can find now. You slowly get close to the extraordinary lifestyle you were meant to live in the first place.

In business, you stop following the strategies that worked for everyone else. You stop following the shoulds, you stop trying to be less weird in your branding and content. You let go of all the false beliefs and the rules someone created, and you start finding all the answers within.

You turn your business into something different – a business that no one else can replicate, because you are its biggest asset and no one is like you.

Then you might start covering different topics, infusing more of your personality in your content, going bold with the design of your website and the copy you use. Targeting a different audience, making a big investment, doing a crazy photoshoot that really shows who you are and what kind of thinking and living you encourage and using all th...