Free and Fearless

Free and Fearless

What I’ve Learned from Starting a Membership Site

March 08, 2024

Interested in the membership business model and wondering what it's all about? Here's my experience with starting a membership site and the lessons I've learned in the first months of running it.
Show Notes:
How to know if you're truly committed to your business;
What’s New inside Blogger Playground;
The best way to decide if starting a membership site is the right move for you;
How my membership keeps me accountable and motivated;
How perfectionism stops you from releasing a new product;
What I prepared before launching my membership site;
Why member's feedback is crucial;
What inspired me to create a test account;
How I'm both the founder and one of the members;
How to give your members a voice inside your community;
How I got amazing testimonials without even asking for them;
How members of Blogger Playground feel about the community;
How running a membership can lead to collaborations;
Your members can invest in your other offers too;
Ways your membership can evolve;
An example of how I'm restructuring things inside the community;
How I give members what they want;
What's a member-centric community;
My goals for Blogger Playground and its impact.


Blogger Playground [the membership]:

Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business [book]:

The Blog Sponsorship Boss [course]:

The Passive Income Blog Boss [free course]:

Podia [membership platform]:
