Free and Fearless

Free and Fearless

When to Close a Program and Retire an Old Offer

August 07, 2023

Welcome back to the show and let’s talk about retiring existing offers and closing old programs even if they are working well, earning you money and helping people. It could also mean not offering a service anymore, completely changing the direction of your business, re-structuring your product suite and not knowing what’s next.
A lot of mixed feelings come with this and there might always be self-doubt even after the action is taken. But if that’s something you’ve been thinking about for some time now, it’s probably the right next step for you and your business, and it can lead to your next evolution.

Show Notes:
Why I'm closing down one of my courses
What I'm focusing on instead
When is the right time to retire an offer
An example of retiring an offer that's doing well

Blog to Biz System:
Gala Darling:
High-Value Offers [book]:
