Wealth Actually

Wealth Actually

COLLEGE: Haven Pell (“The Pundificator”) and Frazer Rice (“Wealth, Actually”) take on “College”

December 21, 2019

In a new regular feature on the "Wealth, Actually" Podcast, Haven Pell and I will take on a topic.  (For our first one, we discuss the concept of "College" in modern American Society)

With some fun questioning and debate, we'll try to make some sense of a subject that has some controversy, broad policy implications and a little bit of hypocrisy to unwind.  Hopefully, it's weighty and important.  We hope to tackle things that are both evergreen and timely.
MEET HAVEN HERE:  https://pundificator.com/haven-pell/

In this first segment, we take on "College".

A broad, wide-ranging topic?  You bet.
We address:

The cost
The pressure (on applicants and graduates)
The Insider vs the Outsider Viewpoint
STEM vs Liberal Arts
The Impact on Culture
A Year of Service
A Venue for People over 60?
Sports and University Life
Broader Ramifications on the Future of the U.S.

Look forward to WEALTH ACTUALLY and the PUNDIFICATOR as regular feature . . . as we take on current events and and some of the big concepts and issues facing society today.  SUBSCRIBE, TELL YOUR FRIENDS AND LEAVE COMMENTS.
