Frankly Speaking with Tyra G

Frankly Speaking with Tyra G

Rotarians Meesh Peters and Sam Marigu create family beyond borders from Virginia to villiges in Africa.

April 04, 2023

Today, we are living in an ongoing season of uncertainty and unrest. We have all been touched by a fresh sense of fragility in ourselves and our social systems. This is a testing time. This is a time to accept that empathy is unlimited. This is a time to realize that you are doing better than you think. This is a time to elevate voices of hope. This is the time to reimagine what is essential. This is a time for believers to remember the author of Genesis is also the author of Revelation. He is still in the miracle business. This is a time to be encouraged.  This is a time to serve.

However, on occasion, in order to survive, in order to serve, we are challenged to encourage ourselves. Sometimes we must silence the voice that says, “If” or “if only.” The voice that says, “Am I enough to do what I was created to do?’ And the answer to this question is a resounding YES! However, in those moments, we must dig deep, renew, and reposition ourselves to give away the gifts and talents that accompany our creation

Who you are, where you are, and what you know define your value. How much you believe in who you are, serve where you are, and use what you know can make a big difference in who you become, where you go, and what you do when you get to the next place.

My guests today, Rotarians Meesh Peters and Sam Marigu, are committed to walking in their worthiness while delivering service above self in African villages. As you receive their stories about creating family beyond borders, I know you will be inspired.