Frankly Speaking with Tyra G

Frankly Speaking with Tyra G

Some stories need telling. Join Melissa Juarez Ehlers from The Center for Enriched Living, Deerfield Illinois.

June 11, 2024

Meet Patrick.

“Patrick has autism and an intellectual disability. Until 2008, Patrick lived with his biological mother in Texas. She worked hard to ensure that Patrick had every opportunity to achieve his fullest potential. She socialized Patrick, taught him manners, and gave him basic skills. Sadly, after so many years of her life dedicated to the care and growth of her son, Patrick’s mother was tragically killed in an automobile accident. Patrick’s grandparents brought him to West Virginia following their daughter’s untimely death. While they were in good health, they were elderly and began looking for housing and care options that would be in Patrick’s best interest. His aunt became his legal guardian and the entire family came together to make sure he had a safe and happy place to live with caregivers who were specially trained to care for him based on his disability”1

This story is not always the case. Intellectual disability affects about 1% of the population, and of those, about 85% have a mild intellectual disability. Males are more likely than females to be diagnosed with intellectual disability. Our guest this evening is professionally, and emotionally dedicated to improving the quality of life for this population.

Listen, learn, and share.