Frankly Speaking with Tyra G

Frankly Speaking with Tyra G

Were it not for those who care, featuring Ron Riggins, Chairman of the Board, Catholic Charities of Arlington.

June 18, 2024

There is a saying I read somewhere that stated, “if you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together.” This journey called life seems necessarily codependent.

What if you believed the most outstanding service you could offer in life is to be a light on the path? Your affirmation might say,

“Today, I am devoted to shining the light of compassionate support and service on those who may be in need.”

Since 1947, when it first opened its doors as an adoption and children’s service agency, Catholic Charities has served the needs of the vulnerable, regardless of their faith, on behalf of the Catholic Church in the northern part of Virginia.  

I welcome to the table Mr. Ron Riggins, Chairman of the Board of Catholic Charities, with an extraordinary servant’s heart to first add his personal story to the Frankly Speaking Human Library and then excite us with the “why” and the core values that embody and empower Catholic Charoites of Arlington. Hear how they serve and transform men, women, and their families, who come for assistance.

Listen and be surprised, inspired, and perhaps get involved.