Frankly Speaking with Tyra G

Frankly Speaking with Tyra G


January 06, 2024

What’s so special about celebrating the New Year?

“Why does the start of the new year carry such special symbolism? And why is its celebration so common around the world, as it has been for at least as long as there have been calendars? Behavior this universal must surely be tied to something basic in the human animal, something profoundly meaningful and important, given all the energy and resources we invest not just in the celebration but also in our efforts to make good on a fresh set of resolutions, even though we mostly fail to keep them.

It’s fascinating to realize that the special ways that people note this unique passage of one day into the next are probably all manifestations of the human animal’s fundamental imperative for survival. “[1]

So, how have survival issues recently forced their way into our hearts, our minds, our spirits?  How are we managing?

Join me and explore some personal survival tips and techniques.
