Frankly Speaking with Tyra G

Frankly Speaking with Tyra G

Tapping into Joy featuring Deb Beroset, award-winning journalist, speaker, and seasoned PR expert.

December 12, 2023

Author and coach Iyanla Vanzant, in her 2000 book, Until Today, suggests,

“If you are waiting for something to happen that will make you happy, you are killing off your joy. Joy comes through you. Happiness comes to you. If you seek your joy within, you will be happy, no matter what happens. It is easy to believe in more than what you can see when you know you will be protected, guided, and blessed. If you only believe what you can see around you, you may miss the blessings right under your nose. If you have and hold love in your heart, you will always know what to do and what to say. If you measure out how much love to give, you will undoubtedly meet people and situations who have a reflective measure of love for you. Nothing can happen for you in the outside world until you create the energy to attract it to and through your inside world.”

Join Deb Beroset at the Frankly Speaking table as she reveals her recipe for Tapping into Joy! Deb’s “cosmic” job description includes helping others reconnect with that vibrant, magical essence of themselves and get it fully expressed in life. She is the Founder and CEO of MOXIE CREATIVE & CONSULTING, INC.

Take a listen and be inspired.