Frankly Speaking with Tyra G

Frankly Speaking with Tyra G

Were it not for those who cared, featuring Courtney Pierce of Samaritan House.

November 26, 2024

So, what if you believed the greatest service you could offer in life is to be a light on the path?

Samaritan House fosters personal safety, growth, and self-sufficiency in adults and their children through freedom from sexual and domestic violence, human trafficking, and homelessness. Since 1984, Samaritan House has provided emergency and permanent housing, support services, and community outreach to victims of violence and homeless families in the Hampton Roads region.

Clients receive support through case management, counseling, victim advocacy, nutrition assistance, transportation, access to medical care, and vocational training. Our children’s program works with youth to establish healthy relationships, build self-confidence and break the cycles of violence. 65% of the clients we serve are children.

Be inspired by the stories included in this courageous conversation with Courtney Pierce, Samaritan House Anti-Trafficking Outreach and Service Coordinator.