Frankly Speaking with Tyra G

Frankly Speaking with Tyra G

From convict to star citizen, a courageous conversation with Helenia Bragg.

August 20, 2024

This story deserved a rewind.

We all have times or seasons when it requires courage to make it from one moment to the next; to take the next step or to say the next word. And sometimes we let fear, shame, and guilt demonize our potential to overcome.

What we discovered is that the ability to have a courageous conversation is often a process, a journey, not an event. It doesn’t always happen when it logically should; sometimes you have to grow into it.  And sometimes courageous conversations happen in and stay in our heads… or our hearts. Sometimes our courageous conversations are dressed in silence.

To create a common thought space, please listen to the words of Ms. Susan Burton author of Becoming Ms. Burton From Prison to Recovery, leading the fight for incarcerated women.

Susan Burton knows just how hard it is to get back on track after being released from prison. It’s an experience she lived through six times, once for each of the prison terms she served.

“One of the things about incarceration is that you’re deprived. You lose all of your identity and then its given back one day and you’re ill-equipped to actually embrace it and work it,” Burton says. “Each time I left prison I left with the resolve to get my life together, to get a job, to get back on track. And each time the task became more and more and more daunting.”

Click below and be inspired by a conversation with Ms. Helenia Bragg who beat the odds and transformed herself from Convict to Star Citizen. She is truly amazing.