Frankly Speaking with Tyra G

Frankly Speaking with Tyra G

AWAKENING: Welcome to Frankly Speaking with Tyra G

July 28, 2019

Welcome to evidence that dreams can come true. Welcome to our virtual, global gathering of phenomenal women and those who love you, yes YOU- fearsome and generous, humble and honest, in pursuit of new possibilities and purpose.

Every week, we will meet here at the table for one hour to experience, encourage, and empower each other, share some aha moments, and stories that have been left in our pockets for too long. Every week we will start where we are. Although many of your voices will speak light into darkness, there is no insignificant person around this table.

Each month we will explore a new theme inspired by you. Yes, that’s what I said, inspired by You!  Each week we look at our monthly theme through a different lens to include socially, culturally and generationally. We will bravely walk into places where tradition has taught us that there are some things we just don’t talk about. But not at this table. And no matter how hard judgment knocks, it can’t come in. Beloved ladies, here, we live beyond the wreckage.

My special guest today is Ms. Lethia Owns, my brand coach and my friend, most importantly, a woman of audacious faith. She is rated number eight globally in brand management.

Join me in the sitting room of my soul. Here no matter the wreckage is, I promise to be strong enough to be vulnerable and genuine enough to be authentic.