Frankly Speaking with Tyra G

Frankly Speaking with Tyra G

Were It Not For Those Who Cared Featuring David Joyner, Development Manager of Britepaths of Fairfax County

November 05, 2024

So, this week, we begin with a twist to create our common thought space for today. In the words of Isabel Wilkerson in her interview with Krista Tippet on NPR entitled The Heart is the Last Frontier. And I Quote,

“With all due respect, I can’t want to!”

For some, this is the best of times. For others, it feels like the worst of times. For the wise, it is seen as one season in history. For others, it feels like an impending eternity of uncertainty.

Words like ‘us’ and ‘them’ no longer define diversity but decree exclusion. Anger has become the overcoat that keeps our raw fear warm.

Our country is like an ancient house.

I love old houses. But old houses need a lot of work. And the work is never done. And just when you think you’ve finished one renovation, it’s time to do something else. Something else has gone wrong. Sometimes, may need to look down in the basement to find the problem. We may need to go down into our metaphorical basement and see the historical causes and effects of things that need change. Only then can we make humanity-saving decisions. We must then intentionally add radical empathy to our solution.

“Empathy is not pity or sympathy in which you look down on someone and feel sorry for them. With sympathy, you may be looking across at someone and feeling bad for them. However, empathy means getting inside of them, understanding their reality, and looking at their situation and saying not, “What would I do if I were in their position?” but, “What are they doing? Why are they doing what they’re doing from the perspective of what they have endured?” Today, we are telling the story of one of Fairfax County, Virginia’s organizations that has decided that it can want to… An organization that embodies empathy and hope!

We are going to walk through the doors of Britepaths of Fairfax County. Britepaths is dedicated to stabilizing clients facing economic crises, fostering personal empowerment, and supporting the needs of children!

This week’s storyteller is Mr.David Joyner, the Development Manager of Britepaths of Fairfax County, Virginia. Be inspired, learn things, and share.