Frankly Speaking with Tyra G
Meet Ms. Quay Holland, WELLTH Coach and Rebalance Strategist
Karmic astrologer Dora Jones believes, And I quote;
“Each of us comes into life with a promise, a gift, a passion, and a deep, heartfelt desire.” The promise is what you have come to life to master. You have promised to overcome, resolve, or heal some aspect of your consciousness. As you face your life’s experiences, you are given the opportunity to fulfill this promise. Your responses to your experiences determine whether you fulfill or break the promise you have made to yourself.
The gift is what you have come to give to life. It is the cornerstone of self-determination and self-actualization. The gift constitutes your talents and your abilities. The unique things you do as only you can do them. The gift is enhanced or diminished by how you do what you do and how you share those things that you do naturally or well with others.
Passion represents those things you pursue for the sheer joy of it- those things you do that make you feel alive and meaningful, valuable, and worthy. Most of us are frightened away from or talked out of our passion. We are made to feel it is inappropriate or useless.
The heartfelt desire is the thing you most want to experience in life. Some want love. Others want acceptance. Most of us want both. We face difficulty not losing our identity or integrity in pursuit of heartfelt desire.
My guest of the week, Ms. Quay Holland, WELLTH Coach and Rebalance Strategist, walks us through her process of addressing each of the above attributes. This week, we included an authentic role-play exercise to demonstrate her healing process with her process.
Take a listen, learn things, be inspired, and share.