Franchise Interviews
Honest -1 Auto Care Meets with Franchise Interviews
We are meeting with Braden Poole as Operations Manager of Honest-1 Auto Care. Honest-1 Auto Care® is the only national full-service auto care company that is 100% ESA® Certified Eco-Friendly. Honest-1® leads the industry in numerous eco-friendly initiatives including strict recycling of automotive materials, pollution prevention, resource conservation and offering Eco-Friendly Auto Care® services such as the ECO TuneUp® and ECO Oil Change. In addition to its high environmental standards, Honest-1® has a very unique customer centric approach to the auto care industry providing centers which are family-friendly, characterized by clean and upscale waiting areas, Internet cafes, children's play areas, comfortable leather chairs and couches, big screen TVs and complimentary beverage stations. With 30 locations operating, Honest-1® plans to open 15 more locations nationwide in the next year.
Honest-1® was ranked 338 in Entrepreneur magazine’s 2011 “Franchise 500.” Additionally, Honest-1® ranked as one of the top companies in the Lube and Oil News 2011 “Top Oil Change-Plus Chains.” To further show its commitment to the environment, Honest-1 Auto Care partnered with American Forests, the leading nonprofit organization that plants trees for environmental restoration. Honest-1 Auto Care locations nationwide funded the planting of 100,000 new trees through the charitable donation of revenues collected from repair orders, at no additional cost to customers.