FPEA Connects
Gameschooling with Hannah Kartagener
Gameschooling with Hannah Kartagener
Podcast #71
Gameschooling.. what? Learning with games. Since the beginning of time, children have learned through play. This was a fun topic to cover, because who doesn't like games? We are joined with Hannah Kartagener, who we consider to be a "game expert" and she talks with us about "Gameschooling"
While many electronic games and apps can be a good addition to your homeschooling experience, today we are talking about traditional board games and cards.
A great resource for reviews and instructions for play is YouTube. There are many channels dedicated to the review of board games. Have a hard time with reading instructions for play? You are not alone - YouTube is a great place to find instructions on how to play a game.
Games mentioned on show:
Traditional Games:
* Aggravation
* Yahtzee
* Rummikub
* Clue
* Monopoly
* Life
* Trivial Pursuit
Modern Games:
* Trash Panda
* Azul
* Forbidden Island
* Everdell
* Indian Summer
* Tiki Topple
* Cottage Garden
* Potion Explosion
* Blue Lagoon
* Outfoxed
* Sushi Go
Educational Games
* Use Your Manners
* Pizza Fractions
* Scrabble
* Jr. Scrabble
* Ticket to Ride
* Various math games on the market
* Puzzles
The FPEA Homeschool Convention is a great place to find games for learning and fun - or BOTH! Register to join us and peruse our huge exhibit hall to stock your game shelf!