Live Better Longer

Live Better Longer

AOTF & Functional Cognition

April 10, 2024

Who better to celebrate OT Month with than Satvika Garg, Ph.D, PTR/L, Chief Scientific Officer of the American Occupational Therapy Foundation, and Joan Toglia, Ph.D, FAOTA, distinguished educator and preeminent OT expert on functional cognition? In a seminar-worthy edition of FOX Rehabilitaion’s Live Better Longer podcast, Dr. Garg explains the role of the American Occupational Therapy Foundation, how they work in conjunction with the American Occupational Therapy Association, how resources are pulled together for funding, and how those actions are then turned into game-changing research that gets rolled out into everyday clinical practice. In addition, Dr. Toglia gives extraordinary insight into breakthroughs that have been made in the assessment of functional cognition and the importance of always treating and knowing each patient as an individual. Dr. Garg and Dr. Toglia answer some questions from FOX clinicians and let us know what they will be doing to celebrate Occupational Therapy Month.